Week 10 - Lexicography


In lecture ten, what we learned in the class is Lexicography. Lexicography can be defined as editing, compiling, writing or the making of a dictionary. Other than that, it also described the principles or practices of dictionary making. However, part from the two definitions, it is also refers to the study of words and lexical items. As it is focus on the making of dictionary, there are four stages in traditional manual production of a dictionary. The first one is decide range of coverage which is considering whether to include both standard and non-standard form. Secondly, it is a stage where to decide how much information to be given. Third stage is a collection of textual material which is a process of extracting examples of the usage of individual words. Lastly, the final stage is the preparation for printing. We also learned about the relevant of computer in dictionary making as it is somehow useful and makes the works easier. Computer-Aided dictionary production includes the use of scanner for the textual material and produces word counts such as indexes and concordance.

Learning about Lexicography taught us to understand that the process of making dictionary is complex but also interesting. Then, the existence of advanced technology such as computer makes the processes and the stages in dictionary making become easier and reduce human work. For example the word counting is a tiring work. However, with the assistance of software such as concordance make it easier and it is no longer time consuming.


             As a comparison, we can say that the Qur'an is just like a dictionary, in which it has many terms and meanings for us to look at. But unlike any other scriptures like Torah, Al-Qur'an remains the same from the very moment it was sent down to Prophet Muhammad SAW till the day of Judgement as mentioned in Surah Al-Hijr verse 9,

In the above verse, Allah SWT has clearly told us that He will not let the Qur'an corrupt until the day of judgement. Even though the Qur'an was sent down years ago, it is the only scripture that are complement and suitable to use until the last day. Like I mentioned before, the Qur'an is just like a dictionary. We can use the Qur'an not only as a book of reading but also as a reference, a guidance to all things that we might want to know. This is because the Qur'an is the words of Allah SWT and by reading it as if you are talking to Allah SWT insyaAllah.

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