Week 7 - Computer Mediated Communication and Discussion


As Dr. Rozina taught us in the class, Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) is any communicative transaction that occurs through the use of two or more networked computers. Basically there are two forms of CMC; synchronous and asynchronous. Below is the table which shows the differences between the two types of CMC.

Synchronous CMC
Asynchronous CMC
·         Real time communication, spontaneous
·         Participants communicate in the same session

·         Rapid exchanges
·         Communication resembles spoken conversation
·         Examples: Instant messages, Video conference etc.
·         Non real time, non- spontaneous
·         Participants may not communicate in the same session
·         Slow exchanges
·         Communication does not resemble spoken communication
·         Examples: Emails, Blogs, Facebook etc.

Table 1.

While getting to know what CMC is, we noticed that all of us are actually very familiar with it. Besides that, CMC has also been the subject discussed by many researchers in their research. Among the focus in the studies are the various sociolects, styles, and registers used in CMC, pragmatic rules like turn - taking, the use of features such as emoticons and also the terms used by CMC users. 

There are other types of CMC which are used in language learning; NBC (Network- Based Communication), CMCD (Computer- Mediated Classroom Discussion), CACD (Computer- Assisted Classroom Discussion), and CMDA (Computer- Mediated Discourse Analysis). The research done on the topic have found that students use more complex form of language in CMC compared to the one used in normal conversation, the increase in social equity and learner participation, and that CMC also can improve one's oral proficiency. There are several disadvantages of CMC. Among them are people may misinterpret tone, there are no improvement in listening skills, difficulties for visually impaired person, and  that errors in conversation may not end.


How has CMC transform the dynamics of interaction?
CMC helps to make the interaction becomes more interesting and interactive. It provides many applications to make the message more attractive. Using CMC makes normal conversation becomes more interesting as people can use videos, photos and emotion icons. Besides that, harsh words can be avoided as they interact using CMC compared to face-to-face conversation. Apart from than, information can be shared faster using CMC and it can be shared worldwide.

How has this transformation shape society?
This transformation shape society to be more dependent on technology. Even though it has some advantages, there are also disadvantages. People will usually depend on technology to interact hence it might limit them to go out and socialize with people face-to-face. The misuse of language can also happen as they use shorter form and sometimes they mix the Malay and English languages, for instant. Besides that, as information can be shared worldwide and faster, this may lead to some misunderstandings and false information to be spread widely.

Is this mode of communication in sync with Islam?
Yes, this mode of communication can be in sync with Islam as long as people do not misuse it. People can use CMC as a mediator to preach Islam to others because CMC helps to connect with other people around the world without boundary. Furthermore, it can helps people to seek more knowledge or information about Islam. It also helps people to share their thoughts and ideas and knowledge with others. With the help of technology advances like CMC, everyone can become a preacher and this can help to spread Islam widely around the globe.


To reflect, communication plays an important role in society nowadays. A good communication skill can help to a good relationship among people even though with different religion, race, skin colors and background. Not only that, as a Muslim we should not only talk in a good way but we should also behave according to the rules of Allah SWT. As Allah SWT mentioned in Surah al-Baqarah, verse 44,

In this verse, Allah SWT not only encourage us to enjoin right conduct to others, but also to practice it ourselves. Actions speak louder than words. If we as a Muslim do not behave accordingly to the rules of Islam, how can we preach others to join us? Society nowadays only tend to speak but do not practice it. Using such technology like CMC does help a lot in spreading Islam throughout the world, but we should always be aware of its disadvantages. That is why we should not only have a good communication skill but also a good behaviour, in an Islamic way insyaAllah. 

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